09.10.2017 17:08:30
I want to buy a new game please help me ? before I bought the game I have the right to a discount from I want to use it. could you help ?
30.06.2017 11:58:22
Спустя 2 месяца при входе неверный пароль. Продавец без проблем выслал новый аккаунт.
22.06.2017 11:43:08
good seller tnx
19.06.2017 7:27:24
Works Great, Thanks
17.06.2017 10:53:21
Все гуд)
02.06.2017 15:50:54
Account was received.
01.06.2017 0:19:20
The id is Not working
29.05.2017 14:33:44
Спасибо за игру, осталось скачать и играть)))
15.05.2017 22:56:52
Working Just Awesome
11.05.2017 19:58:49
Account no longer working. Not sure if I will be able to get a replacement. EDIT: Got a new account <3 great seller