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Alex Leslie - the first in Russia and in Moscow known professional in the field of training seduction and flirting with the opposite sex in practice. He is a coach and the founder of the project "Theme Seduction." In his book, Leslie offers original techniques dating and seduction, which practically do not crash and checked on the author's personal experience and the experiences of other people. You will learn how to meet girls, how to flirt and powdering their brains how to get the telephone number of even the most persistent girl, how to get any of them out on a date, and unleash the sex as a fall in love with it (if you, of course this reason, it is necessary). After reading this book, your view of the world will change, you will realize that you can meet and seduce any in any situation. The book is divided into two parts. The first will teach you enough theory and practice, so that you could learn the skill of seduction. The second part of the book - not for the faint of heart, so it can be read only if you are okay with the psyche, and you already have 18 years! The author is not liable for the actions of the reader as a result of reading the book!
Author: Alex Leslie

Publisher: Phoenix

Year: 2006

Pages: 254

Format: pdf

Size: 6104821

Also, you can get acquainted here http://www.yakaboo.ua/i_upload/book_image/89/53062506.jpg
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