Content: astro.rar (140.54 KB)
Uploaded: 20.11.2008

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Database horoscopes consists of six tables:

zodiac - zodiac horoscope, with a detailed description of each character: general description, psihilogichesky portrait element of the sign, health, the keys to success in love, career and profession, sexy sign, marriage and compatibility, culinary habits.

chinese - Chinese horoscope. (badge and description)

japanese - Japanese horoscope. (badge and description)

zoro - Zoroastrian horoscope. (badge and description)

druid - Druid horoscope. (badge and description)

flower - flower horoscope. (badge and description)

Database size - 1 Mb. Encoding - utf-8.

Buying a product, you get the file with the file sql - database dump.
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