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461 руб.
🌟 Metal Mutation 🌟
Тип: Ключ активации
Регион активации: все страны
Клиент для игры: Steam
Локализация: EN
Год: 2023
Metal Mutation is a Post-Cyberpunk Action Roguelike Dungeon Crawler set in a not-so-distant future taken over by companies and technology. As highly developed mechanical prostheses and AI have spread, so has a metal mutation caused by nanoparticles. With mankind and society on the brink of collapse, a Cyborg and an AI join forces to prevent the inevitable. Thanks to the miracles of technology, death is barely an inconvenience! Upgrade your character, customize your weapons and choose your path wisely as you fight for a better future. Use various types of weapons and synergize your elements for some stylish combat and flashy combos! Explore a cyberpunk world ravaged by company greed and technological ambition. Why are cyborg groups and augmented humans separated? How do people survive under the monopoly of big corporations? Take a break in between runs with The Shelter! Up to 4 players can face waves of monsters to accumulate resources, learn attack patterns and better prepare for their next attempt at the main story.
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