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57 руб.
🌟 MegaRace 1 🌟
Тип: Ключ активации
Регион активации: все страны
Клиент для игры: Steam
Локализация: EN
Платформа: PC
Год: 1994
You know those punk highway gangs, the ones who really think they rule the road? You just hate them, don´t you? So you say, ´Somebody ought to do something about them criminal highway gangs!´ And we say, ´Oh yeah?! Well, why don´t YOU do something, mister big-mouth!´. You don´t have the car? We´ll give you the car! You don´t want to get arrested for taking the law into your own hands? Not a problem! You know why? Because it AIN´T REAL! It´s a whole lot better than real, baby! It´s virtual television: reality´s worst nightmare! Aggressive, high-velocity, futuristic racing Breathtaking visuals for their time, achieved by using prerendered video sequences Sometimes witty, sometimes just plain cheap commentaries by the memorable Lance Boyle ©2017 Anuman Interactive SA. All rights reserved. Developped by Jordan Freeman Group. Published by Anuman Interactive SA. Microïds is a trademark of Anuman Interactive SA. All rights reserved.
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