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🌟 (DLC) Field of Glory II: Medieval - Rise of the Swiss 🌟
This product is an addition to the game. To activate it, you need to have the main game.
Type: Activation Key
Activation region: Russia and the CIS
Client for the game: Steam
Localization: Completely in English
Platform: PC
Year: 2022
Since the late 1300s, some Swiss began to carry the long pike, at first as a minority weapon, the bulk of the soldiers still carried the halberd. In 1422, a small Swiss army was defeated in Arbedo by the Milanese army, which contained a large number of armed men, who were dismantled after their initial mounted attack failed. It has been observed that pikemen are better at dealing with mounted riflemen than halberdiers, due to the longer range of their weapons. Since that time, the proportion of pikemen in the Swiss armies has steadily increased, so that by the end of the XV century they had become the dominant weapon. Only a small number of experienced soldiers had a halberd left to protect the banners and to break up the enemy´s formation if the advance of the pikemen was stopped. The new Swiss system was an amazing success on the battlefield: She won the Burgundian Wars, defeated the Holy Roman Empire in the Swabian War, and as mercenaries became a key component of the armies of the French King Charles VIII in Italy. Soon pikemen were adopted in many countries of Western Europe, in particular, in Germany - by the famous "landsknechts". In Bohemia, a war broke out between the followers of Jan Hus, a proto-Protestant religious reformer, and Catholic royalists. The Hussites were mostly ordinary people, and they had few nobles who could provide heavily armed infantry. To counter the Royalists´ advantage in heavy cavalry, they adapted simple agricultural wagons into the Wagenburg, a mobile fortress from which Hussite soldiers could fight. It was mainly a defensive weapon, although at the Battle of Kutnaya Gora in 1421 it was used to break through the royalist army. In Spain, the Reconquista was finally completed when the Kingdom of Granada was conquered in 1492. Here, the armies of Castile and Aragon also adopted the pike, but Castile also revived the use of men with swords and buckles in imitation of the ancient Roman legionaries. In England, there was a series of wars between the Lancastrian and Yorkist branches of the royal Plantagenet family. Today they are known as the War of the Roses. Longbow and mounted riflemen still dominated the battlefield here, although hired pikemen were hired for some campaigns. Another backwater was Scandinavia, where Sweden was fighting for liberation from the Kalmar Union, which was dominated by Denmark. Features: Additional coverage of the following nations and factions since the introduction of the tactics of using Swiss-style pikes or Hussite military wagons by themselves or their opponents before 1500 AD: Aragonese, Berber (Wattasid), Bohemian (Catholic), Burgundian, Castilian, Danish, English (Lancastrian, Yorkist and Tudor), Florentine, French, German (Imperial, Feudal and Urban armies), Granada, Hungarian, Hussite (Taborite and Utraquist), Lower Countries, Milan, Neapolitan, Papal, Polish, Russian, Scottish, Swiss, Venetian. Each of them has its own historically grounded banner. (Several European nations before 1500 AD are already covered by the previous DLC). 22 new units. Another 60 lists of armies, allowing you to create historically realistic armies for each of the above factions and their allies in different time periods, and bring the total number of lists of medieval armies to 303. In addition, armies may include contingents of historical allies. This gives you more than three hundred thousand options. You
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