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🌟 Earth 2150: Escape from the Blue Planet 🌟
Type: Activation Key
Activation region: Russia and the CIS
Client for the game: Steam
Localization: EN, Other languages
Platform: PC
Year: 2000
Age limit: 12+
The 21st century was supposed to be the herald of a new era. The wars, famines and sufferings of the last two millennia should have become a distant, fading memory due to the fact that scientific achievements have brought global peace and prosperity. On the eve of the end of the 20th century, the now-forgotten US president went so far as to proclaim the advent of a New World Order in which law, not force, would govern international relations. This bright future was not destined to come true. First came the collapse of the international stock market and currency exchange. Then the main international conglomerates collapsed in a vain attempt to stop the financial losses. By 2012, the global economy had collapsed. Poverty and hunger ignited smoldering social and political tensions. With the advent of the crisis, few were so self-confident or naive as to expect anything positive in the future. Most understood that the planet was on the verge of a global conflict. In 2048, the expected global conflict broke out with brutality that shocked the planet to its very foundation. Most of the centralized governments were destroyed in its maelstrom. Europe and East Asia suffered the brunt of the destruction, entire cities from Madrid to Moscow and from Seoul to Singapore were literally wiped off the map. The human race has always been known for its vitality. Within a dozen years, the inhabitants of the Earth began to rebuild their nations with small entanglements. Twelve states from the former United States joined together to form a new country, the United Developed States. ORG residents have rejected their former roles as producers and leaders. Almost all work is performed by robots, which are controlled by expert computer systems. No wonder the human inhabitants of ORG have become lazy and decadent. Game Features: 70 non-linear missions in the campaign and a highly intense single-player mode; Aggressive and intelligent computer opponents offering a real challenge; More than 100 different units and structures; Easy-to-use map editor to create your own missions and campaigns; At least 100 hours of single-player campaign and endless entertainment in multiplayer mode; More than 20 maps for multiplayer mode via the Internet, LAN and the EarthNet gaming network; Support for Direct Play, TCP / IP, IPX / SPX network protocols; The highest variability of battles: build fortified bases, storm with heavy armored vehicles, attack with naval units, even tunnel for surprise attacks!
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