Содержимое: текст (16 символов)
Доступно: 3
Загружен: 01.06.2023

Положительные отзывы: 0
Отрицательные отзывы: 0

Продано: 2
Возвраты: 0

1080 руб.
Приобретая данный товар вы получаете игру Escape Simulator в качестве подарка для Российского аккаунта STEAM.


Внимание, активация возможна только на Российской учётной записи. Перед оплатой вам необходимо проверить, правильный ли у вас регион. Сделать это можно по ссылке https://store.steampowered.com/account/ (войдите в свой аккаунт). Убедитесь, что в поле "Страна" у Вас написано "Россия".

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Escape Simulator is a first-person puzzler you can play solo or in an online co-op. Explore a growing set of highly interactive escape rooms. Move furniture, pick up and examine everything, smash pots and break locks! Supports community-made rooms through the level editor.

Interactive Puzzles: Rummage through 24 rooms filled with puzzles designed by real-life escape room operators. If something is not nailed to the wall, you can pick it up.

Online Co-Op: All the rooms are playable in an online co-op. We recommend to play built-in rooms with up to 3 players (but you´re welcome to play with more). Community rooms have been tested with up to 10 people. Customize your character and join with friends to work-out puzzles together. More heads are better than one!

Examine Everything: Read through books, examine ancient artifacts and find clues to riddles. Need to cross-reference a clue? No, problem - just pin it to the screen.

Community-Made Rooms: The game includes a room editor with which you can design your own escape rooms and puzzles. Through workshop integration, you get to play awesome things the community has created.
Ссылка на игру в Steam - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1435790/Escape_Simulator/
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