Content: контрольная иннвац менеджмент готовая.7z (24.46 KB)
Uploaded: 26.01.2021

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Question 1. Expand the content of the systemic and situational approach in the development of innovation management.

Question 2. The concept of goals and basic requirements for the formulation of goals. Give 2-3 examples of goals formulation from your practice.

Question 3. Give a diagram of the life cycle of a new product. Suggest measures to increase the duration of the "growth and maturity" stages.

Question 4. What are the values ​​and advantages of venture capital firms?

Question 5. Give a diagram of the innovation planning process and the content of the planning stages.

Question 6. What are the main parameters of the network schedule? Methods for their calculation.

Question 7. Calculate graphically the parameters of the following network.
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