Content: Яндекс маркет парсер.rar (3.81 MB)
Uploaded: 18.11.2020

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Do you want to register characteristics for products in your store? Why do the chore that a program can do?

## The parser collects the characteristics of all products from Yandex Market without an IP ban and bypasses the captcha from Yandex ##

👌 Due to the division into categories, the base looks human-like, which allows it to be conveniently used manually 👌

❗❗❗ For full automation, all you need is -> create a simple program that will, when entering the name of a product into your CRM, contact the parsed database of products from Yandex.Market, search by its name and take characteristics from a text file ❗❗❗


👉 The parser has implemented a bypass of the captcha thrown by Yandex.Market.
👉 The parser simulates a real person through the capabilities of Selenium, which reduces the chance of blocking your IP to a minimum
👉 Parser is able to work 24/7 without user support
👉 Due to the implementation of captcha bypass Yandex.Market proxies are not needed
👉 The parser breaks down all products into categories that are on Yandex.Market = it is convenient to find the product you need even manually, and not search for it on Yandex.Market
👉 Through NotePad, you can open the file and select the categories that you want to parse, and delete the rest and you will receive the parsing of those products that you need


👉 When the parser is running, it is almost impossible to use a computer. Selenium simulates user clicks and when there is a click in one window, the focus is transferred to it.
👉 Single-threaded parser to avoid IP ban from Yandex. This lengthens the speed of full parsing of Yandex.Market
To start program you need:
1. Install python3.7, during installation select add python 3.7 to PATH (without this action you woun´t tune python to work)
2. After installation, go to cmd and enter the commands in turn:
python -m pip install —upgrade pip
python -m pip install BeautifulSoup4
python -m pip install captcha-solver
python -m pip install selenium
python -m pip install requests
python -m pip install fs
3. Also, install the Chrome browser and the chromedriver version required for it (chromedriver version 84 is in the archive).

!!! To check the version of Chrome, go to settings, select "About browser" on the left. The browser version will be written at the top !!!

NOTE: Chrome has auto-update. If you want to run the parser from the archive, then delete the current version of Chrome, download Chrome 84 and disable auto-update. There are many ways to do this on Google (from disabling auto-update services to deleting the Chrome auto-update file).
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