Content: Анализ современной российской судебной системы.rar (50.56 KB)
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Introduction 3
Chapter 1: The concept and place of the judiciary in the Russian state system 5
1.1 Normative and legislative framework of the judiciary 5
1.2 The judicial system in the Russian Federation until the XX century 7
1.3 The judicial system of the USSR 8
Chapter 2: Analysis of the modern Russian judicial system 17
2.1 Features of formation of modern Russian judicial system 17
2.2 Practical activity of the Arbitration Court in Tula region 22
2.3 Activities to improve the functioning of the arbitral tribunal in the Tula region 28
Conclusion 31
List used sources 33

Relevance of the topic. The history of the domestic judicial system has its roots in the era of the formation of Russian statehood, during the time of Kievan Rus developed traditions were of crucial importance as the main source of legal norms. Like other peoples of the Earth, our people were convinced that everything that existed before, thus gaining the right to exist in the future.
In the modern Russian state, the judicial system is a structured area of activity and a set of relevant bodies, which, within their competence, implement the judicial power and base their activities on common democratic principles and common goals.
The Russian judicial system is established by the Constitution and the Judicial System Act. Its structure corresponds to the division of the State by administrative-territorial and ethnic-state characteristics.
The judicial system in force in Russia is distinguished by such features as a simple structure, a step-by-step structure and unity of principles of governance. As can be seen from the scheme, all judicial subsystems are characterized by a 3-link structure, which is determined mainly by the state and administrative division of the country.
The object of the study is the Arbitration Court.
The subject of the study is governance in the Arbitration Court.
The aim of the work is to study the management of the development of the judicial system.
The objectives of the study include:
- The regulatory and legislative basis of the judicial power,
- the judicial system in the Russian Federation until the 20th century,
- the judicial system of the USSR,
- features of the formation of a modern Russian judicial system,
- Practical activity of the Arbitration Court in Tula region,
- Measures to improve the activities of the arbitration court in the Tula region.
Methodology and theoretical-legal basis of research - in the framework of the present work such methods as analysis and synthesis, typological analysis, theoretical modeling, transition from abstract constructions to specifics, etc. were applied; in addition, specialized methods were used to study specific aspects of the main topic of research: comparative legal, historical, formal-legal, sociological methods, etc.
Conclusion .

The importance of justice for the establishment and development of statehood, as well as for the normal functioning of society as a whole cannot be overemphasized. This statement is absolutely true for our country as well. The judicial branch of power in Russia has a rich history; within the framework of the present research an attempt was made to briefly consider its main stages and to trace the key regularities of its development up to the current period.
For any human community, judicial power is a basic characteristic; it is an integral part of social organization, without which normal functioning of social society is impossible. The judicial power is called upon to regulate relations between people as well as social and state institutions.
The importance of the judiciary and its constituent bodies is determined by the fact that, in a State governed by the rule of law, it is the real pillar that ensures the strength of the entire State structure and creates the conditions for its stable development in the political, economic, social and other spheres.
All types of judicial bodies are constantly engaged in addressing the two most important tasks that complement each other, namely, legal and human rights. Other law enforcement agencies and institutions cannot perform these tasks in full, because judicial decisions, after confirmation by the highest judicial instances, become binding on all government agencies and officials without exception; if necessary, a compulsory procedure for their execution is provided. This is what determines the importance of continuous improvement of the judicial system in the Russian Federation.
It is necessary to ensure accessibility of the domestic judicial sy
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