Content: S18-222.docx (15.68 KB)
Uploaded: 15.11.2018

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In the spring of 1999, LLC “Equestrian Complex“ West ”concluded a contract for the sale of four plemen horses with the state factory. Payment under the contract for KSK West LLC was made by Syndic. After receiving payment by the plant, a representative of KSK "West" left for the plant, where the men of Combar, Marcel, Gaydamak and Emir were selected. After the selection, it was decided to leave the horses until the autumn at the breeding plant, so that they would pass training and get stronger.
When in the autumn of 1999 a representative of KSK "West" re-arrived at the breeding plant, it turned out that one horse had died, and the other three were taken by the company SindIK, which paid for KSK "West".
“KSK“ West ”filed a lawsuit with the lawsuit against the company“ Sindic ”for the recovery of property from someone else´s uncommon possession, and also filed a lawsuit against the plant for forcing it to perform the duty in kind and providing the same horse breed and similar value.
Are the claims of “KSK“ West ”to be satisfied:
a) to the company "Sindic";
b) to the state factory?
After payment you will be available a link to the solution of this problem in the file of MS Word. It should be noted that the problem solutions put up for sale were successfully handed over in the period 2003-2018 and could be outdated. However, the general algorithm will always remain true.
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