Content: +73. Тест ТОСТ.zip (117.82 KB)
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Electronic test. 2018. - 25 s. This Package includes: automated test in Microsoft Excel format, (150 questions), a spreadsheet of the full calculation of test results for 10 sections (scales), keys to the test. Results graph, general interpretation of the test.

The questionnaire was compiled by psychologist Pashnev B.K.

The purpose of the technique: The proposed test questionnaire for temperament properties (TQPP) explores the biological characteristics of the individual psychological differences of a person. As part of the standardization of the questionnaire, the normative ranges for adolescents aged 11–17 years, separately for boys and girls, were derived.

The TQPP questionnaire has 10 sections containing a number of information:
Section 1 - the strength of nerve processes on the part of excitation (mainly working capacity, compliance with the “law of force”, dominance);
Section 2 - the characteristic of the nervous system on the part of the lower thresholds (sensitivity);
Section 3 - equilibrium (inactivation) - imbalance (activation) of the nervous system;
4th section - the mobility of the nervous processes;
5th section - emotionality, vegetative reactivity;
6th section - level of development of the I signal system, artistic type;
7th section - the level of development of the II signal system, the type of thinking;
Section 8 - Behavior Activation System;
Section 9 - behavior braking system;
The 10th section is psychotic.

Center for Psychiatric Care and Professional Psychophysiological Selection. The authors of the program: Golev S.V., associate professor of psychology, Goleva O.S., master of psychology.
The material was developed in the framework of the "Psychodiagnostics in Excel" program.
This test can be used in the teaching of psychology and research activities by teachers and graduate students, educational psychologists working in schools, practical psychologists and all those who at a professional level are engaged in experimental psychology and psychodiagnostics.
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