Content: Ответы на ГОСы ОЮИ Теория гос-ва и права.rar (137.36 KB)
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Answers to gosy OYUI subject "Theory of State and Law"

1. Types and structure of normative legal acts. Types laws.
2. Types of legal values: law and justice, law and morality, law, and government.
3. Types of legal relations. Legal facts: concept and types.
4. Types of social norms. Technical standards.
5. Types of interpretation of law. Methods (techniques) interpretation.
6. State sovereignty: the concept and content.
7. Civil society and the rule of law. Signs of the rule of law.
8. Action of normative legal acts in time, in space and on the number of persons.
9. Patterns and forms of occurrence of the state. Features of occurrence of the state in the East.
10. The origins of the role and purpose of the theory of separation of powers.
11. Monarchy: the concept and types.
12. The rule of law, its characteristics and structure.
13. Normative legal acts and normative agreement as sources of law.
14. General characteristics of the principal legal systems of modernity.
15. The main legal schools in the pre-revolutionary Russian jurisprudence.
16. The basic theory of the origin of the state.
17. The political system of society: the concept, elements. Place the state in the political system of society.
18. The political (state) regime and its types.
19. The concept of the state and its signs
20. The concept of the rule of law.
21. The concept of the rule of law and its principles.
22. Concept and types of sub-legal acts.
23. Definition and classification of state functions
24. The concept and features of the government, its relationship with political power.
25. The concept and structure of justice. The subjects of justice and types of justice.
26. The concept and elements of the form of the state.
27. The concept of sources of law and their types.
28. The concept of legitimacy and legality of the government.
29. The concept of the state mechanism. State Authority: concept, types.
30. The concept of law and its characteristics: the main approaches.
31. The concept of legal relations. The structure of the relationship.
32. The concept of the right, its types.
33. The concept of a form of government, its types.
34. The concept of legal liability, types and principles of legal liability.
35. Definition, classification and content of the functions of the state.
36. The concept, characteristics and types of offenses.
37. The rights and freedoms of man and citizen, their classification.
38. Legal ideology and its types. Legal nihilism.
39. Legal culture: the concept, structure, types.
40. The rule of law and civil society.
41. Legal custom and judicial precedent as a source of law.
42. The legal status of the individual: the concept and types.
43. Law enforcement practice as a source of law.
44. Enforcement acts: the concept, structure, types.
45. The subject of the theory of state and law. The ratio of theory of law and other sciences.
46. ​​Subject, method and means of legal regulation.
47. Application of law. Stages of enforcement.
48. Gaps in the legislation. The analogy of law and analogy of the law.
49. The separation of powers: the concept and types.
50. Republic: characteristics and types.
51. Legislative system. Systematization of legislation and its types.
52. The system of Russian law, characteristics of the main branches of law.
53. The composition of the offense.
54. Subjective rights and legal obligations: concept, structure.
55. Typology of state and law, the grounds and approaches.
56. Formation and development of civil society and the ideas of the rule of law
57. The forms of government. Classification of the state system of states.
58. Forms and methods of implementation of the state functions.
59. Private and Public Law, both substantive and procedural law.
60. Legal presumptions and fictions
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