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Task 1.

Having examined the chapter 1.

Select the question the correct answer and mark it on the card answers.

Question 1. What is a Greek word meaning "forecast":

1. planning;

2. foresight;

3. The assumption;

4. Search;

5. study.

Question 2. What kinds of predictions encompass the movement of population and the reproduction of the labor force, the employment rate of the working population and its qualification structure:

1. economic;

2. natural resources;

3. The scientific and technical;

4. demographics;

5. Social Development.

Question 3. What is the purpose of organizational and production system:

1. The ideal future performance;

2. The accounting periods of time forecasting;

3. evaluation of the product life cycle;

4. The current formulation of plans and programs;

5. The accounting for changes in the external environment.

Question 4: What is the concept fully reflects the way research facility forecasting aimed at developing forecasts:

1. prediction;

2. Searching forecast;

3. Reception forecasting;

4. programming;

5. The method of forecasting.

Question 5: What does the term "projected experiment":

1. The object model prediction;

2. The period of time, which is built on the basis of retrospection;

3. The implementation forecast at the facility or its forecasting model;

4. The document defining the goals and objectives of the forecast;

5. The prediction model of the object.

Task 2.

Continue the study of Chapter 1.

Select the question the correct answer and mark it on the card answers.

Question 1. What is the essence of search forecasting:

1. The allocation of resources between different areas;

2. In determining the desired state in the future and the probability of achieving them;

3. The qualitative or quantitative reflection of any object property prediction;

4. Determination of the temporal sequence of historical values \u200b\u200bof a variable object forecasting;

5. the establishment of guidelines used in the development of concrete measures to implement the plans.

Question 2. What type of forecasting is to identify ways to achieve the desired state in the future (objectives OPS):

1. perspective;

2. search;

3. The operational calendar;

4. Regulatory;

5. retrospective.

Question 3. What is the principle of social and economic forecasting allows for a more complete and ordered to carry out a study of quantitative and qualitative patterns in the economy:

1. The scientific validity;

2. The adequacy of the forecast objective laws;

3. Alternative;

4. focus;

5. System.

Question 4. In how many stages is carried out scientific analysis:

1. two;

2. Three;

3. Four;

4. five;

5. six.

Question 5. What is the principle of social and economic forecasting determines active character prediction:

1. System;

2. The scientific validity;

3. adequacy;

4. focus;

5. Alternative.

Task 3.

Continue the study of Chapter 1.

Select the question the correct answer and mark it on the card answers.

Question 1. What is the philosophical concept that recognizes objective law and causation of all phenomena of nature and society:

1. determinism;

2. altruism;

3. dynamism;

4. Futurism;

5. objectivism.

Question 2. What is the general scientific approach to forecasting is to consider every phenomenon and process in its historical form of the relationship:

1. complex;

2. History;

3. Alternative;

4. The adequacy;

5. focus.

Question 3. Which approach is, by definition, involves consideration of the object of study in its communication and interdependence with other processes and phenomena.

1. adequate;

2. Alternative;

3. History;

4. complex;

5. targeted.

Question 4. In what approach the ultimate goal is to determine the possible states of the object prediction in perspective:

1. histo
answers to 22 tasks on 5 test questions
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