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Uploaded: 09.04.2020

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A gas occupying a volume of 0.39 m ^ 3 at a pressure of 1.55 * 10 ^ 5 Pa isothermally increases the volume by 10 times, then isochorically heated to the initial pressure. In this case, 1.5 * 10 ^ 6 J of heat was reported to the gas. Depict the process in coordinates p, V and V, T. Determine the number of degrees of freedom of gas molecules.
A detailed solution with a brief record of the conditions, formulas and laws used in the solution, the derivation of the calculation formula and the answer.
If you have questions about the solution, write. I try to help.
09.04.2020 21:24:04
Спасибо большое,все пришло быстро!

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