In order to buy Lineage II Adena to RU server:
1. First contact us by internal chat, Skype or ICQ, specified information about our company on the page and find out whether there is a availability of the necessary amount of Adena to you.
2. In the form of payment to complete the column: Server and nickname of the character, pay for your purchase.
3. Inform the unique code :)
Order Fulfillment through game mail within 5 - 10 minutes (if we are online), a maximum of 24 hours from 10:00 to 01:00 Moscow time.
Large please leave a review after purchase. On this site is the only criterion for evaluating the seller, so your feedback is very important to us.
All your purchased items can always be viewed by clicking on the link:
Is a set of suppliers.
Dear players, we remind you that the purchase of Aden prohibited rules of the game Lineage II, and the administration may impose certain sanctions against you. We are doing everything possible to reduce the risks. At the same time we are not responsible for the consequences of violations of the user agreement with Lineage II