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Uploaded: 30.12.2019

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Four small dust particles with mass m = 0.1 mg each are located in the corners of a square with side a = 1 cm. Motes reported similar charges Q = 1nKl and given the opportunity to fly apart under the forces of repulsion. Determine the speed of dust particles at a large distance from each other.
Detailed solution shorthand terms, formulas, laws used in the decision, the withdrawal of the calculation formula and the response.
If you have any questions about the decision to write. I´ll try to help.
25.01.2020 16:00:52
Купил, списал) вроде все совпадает, и ответ верный))
Респект, 15р не жалко ) а то по всему интернету поискал не нашел, а тут все готово)
25.02.2016 16:00:15
все в порядке

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