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Practical tasks

Problem 1. Petrov often jealous of his wife. When she gave birth to a child, he began to reproach her in relationships with other men, saying. One hundred child was not his. Do not endure the constant bickering, the wife filed for divorce, and to receive from Petrova child support. Not wanting to pay child support, Petrpov decided to kill him. Taking advantage of the absence of his wife, seven-month baby Petrov poured acid into his mouth, which caused severe burns. When his wife was walking, he explained that he found the baby under the bed with a bottle of acid and take it in your mouth. From his injuries despite medical care, the child died seven days later.

Solve the question of responsibility Petrova.

Problem 2. Sukhov store quarreled with Borzov, who wanted to take the goods out of the lineup. During an argument Borzov Sukhov struck a punch in the face from which Sukhov fell, hitting his head on a step in front of the counter. This led to a fracture of the cranial vault with a brain injury, from which the victim died 12 hours later in the hospital.

How to qualify their actions Borzov?

Problem 3. Zotov jealousy splashed sulfuric acid in the face Ivanova, causing her left eye was damaged, which ceased to see, and his face formed deep burns.

Qualify deed.

Task 4. Karasev and Ivzekov night infiltrated into the female dormitory and entered the room where slept Khrunova. They woke her and demanded to have sex. Khrunova started screaming. Then Karasev closed her hand over her mouth and Izvekov at this time makes it a sexual act. Then wanted to commit a sexual act and Karasev, however, attracted the noise of the neighbors began to knock on the door, Izvekov Cares and jumped out the window, but were soon detained.

How to qualify their actions?

Task 5.Gurov being with their friends in the country, met with the girls, among whom was Morgunov. She said Gurov that studying in the 10th grade. Together they drank alcohol. Then Gurov went with Morgunova the woods in the direction of the station. In a deserted place he started Morgunov in the bushes and taking advantage of its strong intoxication, committed a sexual act with her.

Qualify deed.

Problem 6. Yemelyanov kidnapped from his coat pocket a drunken citizen, who was sleeping on a bench in a park of 10 000 rubles and hours, and all property in the amount of 150 000 rubles.

Qualify deed Emelyanov.

If it was stolen 250,000 rubles qualify.

Problem 7. Nikiforov attacked Garin in order to seize his personal belongings, hit him with an iron bar two hits to the head and took his fur hat and a watch. Damage caused by Garin, died at the scene.

Qualify action Nikiforov.

Problem 8. Mammadov and Urus decided to steal items from the store and offered to join them Viktorov. Last refused the offer, but their request gave them a crowbar to break the door. At night Mammadov and Urus entered the store and stole items of 26 million rubles.

Give legal assessment of the offense.

Task 9. Tarankulov by car "dump" carrying concrete on dam reservoirs. After another unloading concrete Tarankulov stopped the car at the office, to mark the waybill at the receptionist concrete. This Tarankulov handbrake is not included and did not take measures to prevent the possibility of the car in his absence. The car was on the road with a slight slope. Under the action took place near another car dumper Tarankulova began spontaneously move downhill, has developed a high speed and knocked down a worker who was taking concrete, which died from his injuries.

Give legal assessment of the offense.

Problem 10. Vlasenko at night, putting the glass in a shop window, entered the room, took from 10 watches, two tape recorders, two smoothbore hunting guns and other goods all ga total of 3 000 000 rubles. From one gun Vlasenko, shortening the barrel, so I did
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