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Collection of tasks on the subject "Administrative Law"

Task 1.

Question 1. Administrative law - is:

1) branch of international law;

2) branches of Russian law;

3) sub-sector of constitutional law;

4) a legal institution;

5) scientific concept.

Question 2. The administrative relations - is:

1) the rate of Russian law;

2) the relationship between the entities;

3) to adjust the rules of administrative law between the parties;

4) Settled administrative law management relations in which the parties act as carriers of subjective rights and duties;

5) Settled management relations in which the parties act as carriers of reciprocal rights and duties mandated by the state.

Question 3. Administrative capacity occurs:

1) from the time of birth;

2) 14 years;

3) 16 years;

4) partial 14 years, fully 16 years;

5) 18 years old.

Question 4. Civil servants are:

1) conscripts;

2) a municipal clinic doctor;

3) the director of a public school;

4) traffic police inspector;

5) the judge.

Question 5. The legal act of governance is:

1) of the Administrative Code;

2) a court decision in a civil case;

3) the order of admission to work of a citizen;

4) a lease on the premises;

5) the executive inscription notary.

Task 2.

Question 1. Administrative and legal relations in the relation of mutual rights and obligations of the parties are:

1) horizontal;

2) the vertical;

3) horizontal and vertical alike;

4) horizontal rather than vertical;

5) substantially vertical.

Question 2. At what age is an individual recognized as a subject of the administrative offense:

1) from the time of birth;

2) 14 years;

3) 16 years;

4) 18 years old;

5) part 14, fully 16 years.

Question 3. The age limit for public service:

1) 55 years;

2) 60 years;

3) 65 years;

4) 60-65 years;

5) without restriction.

Question 4. Main feature of the act is the executive body:

1) official character;

2) official and bilateral will;

3) the availability of administrative law;

4) individual character;

5) issuing entity executive and regulations.

Question 5: The most important feature of government, expressing the nature of the relationship between the legislative and executive authorities, is:

1) its executive and administrative character;

2) the nature of its executive;

3) its administrative in nature;

4) the nature of negotiation;

5) independence.

Task 3.

Question 1. The subject of administrative law is public relations:

1) in the field of public administration;

2) in the field of executive power;

3) related to the corporate activities of any public authority;

4) in the field of state control activity;

5) all of the above.

Question 2. What is required to become subjects of administrative law subjects of administrative legal relations?

1) the administrative capacity;

2) the administrative capacity;

3) administrative delictual;

4) administrative legal personality;

5) all of the above.

Question 3. Who is a civil servant?

1) the head of the Federal Ministry;

2) The director of a commercial bank;

3) The Chairman of the Investment Fund;

4) factory workers;

5) The chief doctor of the district health center.

Question 4. In the Russian general management acts are issued:

1) The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

2) The President and the Government of the Russian Federation;

3) The Government of the Russian Federation;

4) the President of the Russian Federation;

5) all of the above bodies.

Question 5. The term of administrative detention may not exceed:

1) 1 hour;

2) 2:00;

3) 3:00;

4) 12 hours;

5) 48 hours.

Task 4.

Question 1. The legal status of foreigners and stateless persons is determined by:

1) The Constitution of the Russian Federation;

2) international treaties;

3) a number of regulations adopted
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