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Task 1

Question 1. Political science as an academic discipline took shape:

1. after 1 World War II

2. Before World War 2

3. After World War 2

Question 2. When was the International Association of Political Science?

1. In 1949,

2. In 1951,

3. 1963

Question 3. When political science as an academic discipline has established itself in Russia?

1. 70 years of the 20th century.

2. In the 80 years of the 20th century.

3. In the 90 years of the 20th century.

Question 4. How many groups can be distinguished political laws?

1. a

2. The two

3. Three

Question 5. What group of political laws relates the separation of powers?

1. the first

2. The second

3. The third-

Task 2

Question 1. Which group of political laws applies impact of policies on economic, social and business life of society?

1. the first

2. The second

3. The third-

Question 2. At what stage of knowledge of the political reality of the empirical techniques used?

1. at the stage of operationalization

2. at empirical evidence

3. at the stage of theoretical generalization

Question 3. What scientists determine the direction of any science called paradigm?

1. Kuhn

2. John Locke

3. P. Monson

Question 4: What are the paradigms can be identified in the system of political knowledge?

1. worldview

2. theoretical and methodological

3. All of the above

Question 5. What is the basis of belief naturalistic paradigm?

1. The creator of social life, power, politics is a god

2. a person - a child of nature, it all depends on the nature and determined by it

3. social and political - is the result of human activity

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