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Adminisrativnoe right Examination, 10 questions

Question 1: What is the concept of administrative law, its subject and method?

Question 2. Describe the system and sources of administrative law.

Question 3. What is the essence of the concepts of public service, public office?

Question 4. Tell us about the subjects of administrative law, the classification, the concept of law.

Question 5.Dayte concept of administrative responsibility, its symptoms and the grounds.

Question 6. Give the concept of an administrative offense, administrative responsibility.

Question 7.Rasskazhite on types and purpose of administrative punishment. When it's the age of administrative responsibility?

Question 8: Tell us about the stages of consideration of administrative cases and their participants.

Question 9. French citizen Jean Paul married a Russian citizen I. Sasha, remaining a citizen of his country, he moved to permanent residence in Moscow. Getting a job in the design office, Jean-Paul was a preliminary interview and was denied a job because the proposed work has been linked to a state secret.

Is it legal to the decision to refuse to hire Zh.Polya? What differences characterize the administrative and legal status of foreign citizens and citizens of the Russian Federation?

Question 10. On 10 July 2007, the People's Court of the H-ska received a complaint from residents of the house number 100 on the street. Popov, in which they appealed against the decision of the Board City Kennel Club on February 16, 2006 "on the device area for walking and training dogs in the yard of their home." The complaint stated that this decision creates an obstacle to the enjoyment of the right to rest, as well as a threat to the life and health of residents. The judge refused to accept the complaint for consideration, explaining it by the fact that collective complaints are not considered by the court, in addition, you can not appeal against the decision of the Kennel Club, as the club is not a government agency.

Are there any violations of the law in the judge's decision?
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